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Electrocardiogram (EKG)

We provide an electrocardiogram procedure in our medical office in Lynn. EKG or ECG is a simple and painful test that can detect heart problems. It measures heart rate and rhythm. Irregular heart rhythms (known as arrhythmias) and unusually high or low heart rates could be signs of a serious disease.


EKG test has various benefits for the detection and monitoring of different heart conditions. Electrocardiograph records the electrical activity of the heart.

What to Expect During an ECG?

  • 10 electrodes are attached to you
  • Electrodes transmit heart’s electrical activity to ECG machine
  • ECG machine creates wave patterns representing heart’s rhythm

What ECGs Can Identify?

  • Arrhythmias
  • Myocardial ischemia and infarction
  • Pericarditis
  • Chamber hypertrophy
  • Electrolyte disturbances (i.e. hyperkalemia, hypokalemia)
  • Drug toxicity (i.e. digoxin and drugs which prolong the QT interval)

Ready for your EKG test? Contact our medical office in Lynn MA for more information.

Don't wait! Schedule your appointment with our doctor in Lynn MA today ONLINE or call us: (781) 581-6181

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