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Halloween Tips During Covid-19

We know that this year is going to look a little different as usual as coronavirus cases surge across the country. Will you be staying at home or trick or treating on Halloween night?

Some cities are banning parades and trick-or-treating. So how can you celebrate safely during the pandemic?

We have to remember this virus is still not under control, but don’t cancel Halloween this year! Although Covid-19 is widespread, Halloween can still be fun with proper health and safety practices.

This day can be reasonably safe if we take the right precautions.

pumpkin in mask safe covid19
Happy and Safe Halloween

Here some helpful tips from our AMA Clinic for having a safe and healthy Halloween this year:

  • Consider participating in a one-way trick or treating where to-go goodie bags are already prepared.

  • If you are participating in trick or treating, consider safe ways to collect candies.

  • Wear face covering while out and bring hand sanitizer with you. Use a candy grabber or tongs to hand out candy.

  • Wash hands before and after handling candy.

  • Limit interactions with people outside your home, socially distant from other families while trick-or-treating. If passing out Halloween treats, consider laying treats on a table to prevent children from digging through a candy bowl.

  • Avoid crowded parties and party games.

  • Inspect candy at home to make sure it’s commercially wrapped, not tampered with, or contain any food allergens the child may be allergic to.

  • Have a spooky movie night in costumes with household members.

  • Lower your risk by following CDC’s recommendations on hosting gatherings or cook-outs, like using single-use utensils and avoiding self-serve food or drink options

Remember that a Halloween mask won’t protect you and others from COVID-19. Wear a face covering that covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly on your cheeks.

Happy and safe Halloween from our AMA Clinic!

For any information please call us at (781) 581-6181 or contact online.

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