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  • AMA Clinic

Women’s Health Check Up in Lynn MA

It’s important to schedule an annual woman’s exam once a year – your health as a woman should be the most important thing to you.

We are proud to offer a wide range of services for women. From routine gynecological needs to complex women’s health issues, our clinic is committed to providing you personalized and supportive care.

It is medically recommended that women within the ages of 25-61 carry out pap smears every 3 years and if you have risk factors, more frequently. Annual pap smears test helps to detect precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix. Abnormal results are followed up by more sensitive diagnostic procedures and interventions that aim to prevent progression to cervical cancer. This preventive care appointment is vital to your health. Cervical cancer is nearly 100% preventable with regular screenings. When last did you get one done?

Top Reasons Why Annual Woman’s Exam is Important

  • Cancer screening – learn more about breast and cervical cancer. Pap smear and mammogram can save your life.

  • Birth control – we help to choose the right birth control method for you.

  • STIs screenings – sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and genital. herpes are infections that are spread by sexual contact.

  • Menstrual period issues – painful periods, heavy bleeding or irregular periods.

  • HPV vaccine - can protect females from the four types of Human Papilloma Virus that cause most cervical cancers and genital warts.

  • Concerns about sex – discuss issuers during intercourse, pain during sex, hormonal changes.

Most health plans are required to cover an annual woman’s exam at no cost to you!

Schedule your annual women exam with the AMA clinic in Lynn today. With a convenient location and extended office hours, we're here for all your women's health needs. We strive to provide a great patient experience for all of our patients every day. New patients welcome to our practice.

For more information please call us at (781) 581-6181 or contact us online!

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